Say Goodbye to Night Feeds: When to Stop Feeding Baby

Stop feeding your baby at night when they reach six months and can sleep through the night without waking up hungry. Night feedings may be necessary for younger infants but shouldn’t be continued indefinitely.

As a new parent, you may question when to stop feeding your baby at night. While night feedings are often necessary for young infants, the time will come when your baby is ready to sleep through the night without waking up hungry.

This article will cover all the information you need about when to stop feeding your baby at night and why it’s essential for their growth and development. We’ll also offer tips on making the transition as smooth as possible for you and your little one.

Say Goodbye to Night Feeds: When to Stop Feeding Baby


UnderstandinBaby’s’S Nutritional Needs At Different Stages

A mother’s milk is the best source of nutrition for her newborn baby. But, as the baby grows, their nutritional needs change. Understanding your baby’s nutritional requirements at different stages is crucial for healthy growth.

Importance Of Breastfeeding And Formula Feeding

Breast milk and formula milk are essential sources of nutrition for your baby. Here are some key points about both:

  • Breastfeeding is crucial for the baby’s growth and development as it provides all the necessary nutrients, antibodies, and benefits for overall health.
  • Formula feeding is an option for mothers who can’t breastfeed or prefer not to. Although it doesn’t offer all the benefits of breast milk, it still provides adequate nutrition for the growing baby.

How Much Milk Does A Baby Need At Different Stages?

The amount of milk that your baby needs frequently depends on their age and weight. A general rule of thumb is that the baby should consume 2. 5 ounces of milk per pound of body weight daily. Here are some guidelines that indicate how much milk a baby should drink, depending on their age:

  • Newborns up to 2 months: 16-24 ounces per day
  • 3-4 months: 24-32 ounces per day
  • 5-6 months: 32-40 ounces per day
  • 7-12 months: 24-32 ounces per day

The Role Of Solid Foods In Baby’S Nutrition

The primary source of nutrition for babies should be milk or formula before six months. The first introduction to solid foods should happen after six months of age. Here are some critical points about solid foods:

  • Solids should consist of single-grain, iron-fortified cereals, pureed fruits and vegetables, and pureed meats.
  • Gradually introduce different foods to the baby to avoid allergies and give them time to adjust to new tastes and textures.
  • Offer breastfeeding or formula first before offering solid foods.
  • Offer small amounts of solid foods and gradually increase until it reaches three times daily.
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Understanding your baby’s nutritional needs at different stages makes it easier for you to make the right choices for their growth and development. Consult with a paediatrician before making significant changes to your baby’s diet.

Recognizing When Your Baby Is Ready To Night Wean

When To Stop Feeding Baby At Night?

As a parent, you might have encountered sleepless nights trying to put your baby back to sleep, especially when they wake up hungry at night. However, as your baby starts to grow and develop, their feeding needs begin to decrease, so it’s time to consider gradually reducing their night feeds.

Signs That Baby Is Ready To Sleep Through The Night

Recognizing when your baby is ready to night wean can make the process easier for both parent and child. Here are some signs that your baby might be ready for night weaning:

  • Your baby sleeps for longer stretches at night without waking up to feed.
  • Your baby eats more frequently during the day and gets enough nutrients to keep them full throughout the night.
  • Your baby is no longer gaining weight at a rapid rate.
  • Your baby isn’t fussy or restless during the night and falls back to sleep easily without needing to feed.
  • Your baby is older than six months, weighs a healthy amount, and is physically capable of going long stretches without food.

How To Establish A Sleep Routine?

Establishing a consistent sleep routine can also make the night-weaning easier for your baby. Here’s how:

  • Make sure that your baby has a comfortable and familiar sleep space.
  • Develop a consistent nighttime routine with relaxing activities such as a warm bath, reading stories, or singing lullabies.
  • Encourage your baby to self-soothe by putting them down while they’re still awake and allowing them to fall asleep independently.

What To Expect During The Night Weaning Process

Now that you recognize the signs that your baby is ready to night wean and you’ve established a consistent sleep routine, it’s time to reduce your baby’s night feeds gradually. Here are some things to expect during the process:

  • Your baby might initially resist the reduced night feeds and cry or fuss. Provide comfort and support to help them learn to self-soothe.
  • Engorgement and discomfort might occur as your body adjusts to the new feeding schedule. Consider gradually reducing your feeds over weeks instead of stopping them altogether.
  • The process might take longer for some babies, and you might encounter setbacks. Be patient and understanding, and adjust your strategy as needed.
  • Your baby might start waking up earlier in the morning to make up for the missed feeds during the night. Encourage daytime feeds to ensure they get enough nutrients to keep them full throughout the night.

By recognizing the signs that your baby is ready to night wean, establishing a consistent sleep routine, and being patient and supportive during the process, you and your baby can enjoy more extended periods of uninterrupted sleep.

Best Ways To Night Wean, Your Baby

When to stop feeding the baby at night? Best ways to night wean your baby

As a parent, night feeding can be a crucial bonding time for mothers and their babies. However, night feeding can cause sleep deprivation, physically and emotionally exhausting for both parties. That’s why deciding to night wean your baby at the right time is essential to ensure they get nutrition and adequate sleep.

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This blog post will explore the best ways to night wean your baby to promote healthy sleeping habits for them and you.

Gradual Night Weaning: Tips And Tricks

Gradual night weaning allows your baby to adjust to their new feeding routine, preventing hunger pangs and tears. These tips and tricks will help you smoothly transition your baby to a night-free feeding schedule.

  • Reduce the feeding time: Gradually decrease the time you feed your baby each night by 1-2 minutes until you eliminate night providing entirely.
  • Delay the feeding time: If your baby typically wakes up at 2:00 AM, try delaying the feeding until 3:00 AM, then 4:00 AM, until they no longer expect to be fed at night.
  • Offer treats: Offer a healthy snack instead of milk as an alternative to night feeding to ease the baby’s hunger.

Cold Turkey Night Weaning: Pros And Cons

Cold turkey night weaning involves discontinuing the baby’s night feeding with no transition period. Although this method may work quickly, there are pros and cons to consider before taking this approach.


  • Quick results: Your baby learns to sleep without being fed at night immediately.
  • Saves time: You don’t need to invest time in gradually reducing night feeding.


  • Self-soothing issues: Your baby may become cranky and have difficulty self-soothing at night, leading to a lack of sleep.
  • Hunger pangs: If you discontinue night feeding abruptly, your baby may be hungry, causing more night-wakings than ever.

Seek Professional Advice: Working With A Pediatrician

Before attempting to night wean your baby, it’s essential to consult with your paediatrician to ensure that your baby is ready. A specialist should guide you when it comes to when and how to night wean a baby. They can also recommend products like sleep training apps or offer other support systems.

Overall, night weaning can be challenging for parents and their babies, but these tips and tricks will help you make the transition smoother. Remember, don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance regarding your baby’s well-being and growth.

Dealing With Challenges During The Night Weaning Process

When to stop feeding the baby at night? Dealing with challenges during the night weaning process

Night weaning your baby can be challenging but crucial for their development and well-being. However, the process is not always smooth sailing, and you may face some common challenges. Here’s how to overcome them:

Common Night Weaning Challenges And How To Overcome Them

  • Decreased milk supply: Since your baby consumes less, your breast milk supply may decrease. Keep it regular by pumping or expressing milk daily and before bedtime.
  • Increased fussiness: Your baby may become cranky and agitated due to hunger. To avoid this, give them more solids and milk daily to compensate for the lost calories.
  • Interrupted sleep: It’s common for night weaning to interrupt your baby’s sleep. Help them fall asleep with gentle rocking, dimming the lights, or playing soothing music.
  • Refusing to eat solids: Some babies may refuse solids, making it hard to wean them off night feedings. Make the solids appetizing by using different flavours and textures. Experiment with finger foods and purees.
  • Regression: Some babies may experience sleep regression, causing them to wake up frequently during the night and cry. Provide a consistent sleep routine, soothe them with hugs and comforting words, and give them a lovey toy.

Separation Anxiety And Sleep Regression

Separation anxiety is common among babies, who may become distressed when you’re not around. During the night weaning process, try to soothe separation anxiety by doing the following:

  • Encouraging self-soothing: Teach your baby how to self-soothe by putting them down when calm but not necessarily asleep. This way, they will learn to sleep on their own.
  • Providing comfort objects: Give them a moving object, like a soft toy to snuggle. It can calm them when you’re not around.
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Sleep regression can last for weeks, and it can be disconcerting. However, you can help your baby cope by creating a conducive sleep environment. Here’s how:

Strategies To Keep Your Baby Safe And Comfortable At Night

  • Firm mattress: A firm mattress can prevent suffocation and support your baby’s growth and development. Ensure it is tightly fitted to the crib with no extra bedding.
  • Temperature regulation: Keep the bedroom cool and regulate temperature with a humidifier or fan. Dress your baby in layers- one more layer than you’re wearing. Avoid blankets for babies under a year old.
  • Safe sleep: Place your baby on their back to sleep. This reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (S.I.D.S.).

Night weaning your baby can be challenging, but with patience, a consistent routine, and these strategies, you and your baby will benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Recommended Age To Stop Night Feeding A Baby?

Most babies can sleep through the night without being fed between 6-9 months of age, but this varies. Infants under six months of age should still be fed every few hours.

What Are The Signs That My Baby Is Ready To Stop Night Feedings?

Signs that your baby is ready to stop night feedings include sleeping soundly, sleeping longer at night, and not showing a strong appetite. Consult with your paediatrician to determine if your baby is ready.

Should I Stop Night Feedings Cold Turkey Or Gradually?

It is recommended to stop night feedings to help your baby adjust gradually. Reduce the time and frequency of nighttime feedings over a few weeks until you’ve eliminated them. This approach can lessen stress and help your baby’s digestion.

What Can I Do To Help My Baby Sleep Through The Night?

Establishing a bedtime routine, such as reading a story before bed, can help your baby associate specific actions with sleep. Also, preparing your baby’s room for sleep, keeping the room dark, and ensuring the temperature is comfortable are other helpful sleep tips.

What Should I Do If My Baby Still Wakes Up Hungry In The Middle Of The Night?

If your baby is still waking up hungry in the middle of the night even though they are over 6-9 months old, consult with your paediatrician to see if they may need more milk or solid food during the day.

You can also try to soothe your baby by singing or rocking them without feeding them.


Based on the above-discussed information, it is clear that there is no perfect time to stop night feedings for your baby. Nonetheless, babies develop differently, indicating no one-size-fits-all solution to this issue. What works for one child may not work for another.

Parents must observe their babies closely and pay attention to their sleeping and feeding patterns to know when to start reducing their nighttime feeds. Moreover, parents should remember that while their babies must get adequate food, it is equally essential for them to get quality sleep.

They should avoid overfeeding their babies at night as it can harm their sleep quality, leading to discomfort and disrupted sleep. Lastly, we advise that if parents’ concerns persist, they should contact their paediatrician for appropriate advice.

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