Does a Baby Walker Help Infants Learn to Walk?

If you’re a parent or a caregiver, you may have seen baby walkers as a popular item for infants. Baby walkers are wheeled devices designed to help babies move around before they can walk independently. They typically consist of a seat suspended in a frame with wheels, allowing the baby to move around by pushing off the ground with their feet. However, there is an ongoing debate among experts about whether baby walkers actually help infants learn to walk. This article will explore the topic and shed light on the pros and cons of using baby walkers.


As parents, we all want our babies to reach developmental milestones, such as walking, at the appropriate time. Baby walkers have been marketed as a tool to assist infants in learning to walk. However, it’s essential to understand their potential benefits and risks before deciding whether to introduce a baby walker to your child.

Understanding the Purpose of Baby Walkers

Baby walkers are primarily designed to provide mobility for infants who cannot yet walk independently. They offer babies a fun and exciting way to move around and explore their surroundings. With the help of wheels, babies can propel themselves forward by pushing off the ground. However, it is essential to note that walkers do not teach babies how to walk in the true sense, as they do not promote the natural development of balance and coordination.

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Benefits of Baby Walkers

Encourages Mobility and Exploration

One perceived benefit of baby walkers is allowing infants to move independently and explore their environment. Babies can move from one place to another, reaching toys and objects that capture their attention. This freedom of movement can enhance their curiosity and stimulate their cognitive development.

Develops Leg Muscles and Coordination

Using a baby walker requires babies to push off the ground with their feet, engaging their leg muscles. This repeated motion can help strengthen their leg muscles and improve their coordination. However, it is important to note that while walkers may offer some physical benefits, they should not be solely relied upon for motor skill development.

Provides Entertainment and Stimulation

Baby walkers often come equipped with toys, buttons, and other interactive features that provide entertainment and sensory stimulation for infants. These additional elements can engage babies and keep them occupied, especially when parents or caregivers are busy with other tasks.

Potential Risks and Concerns

While baby walkers may have some benefits, they also come with potential risks and concerns that should not be overlooked.

Delayed Motor Development

Contrary to popular belief, research suggests that using baby walkers may delay the development of specific motor skills, including crawling, standing, and independently walking. Babies who rely too heavily on walkers may not have the same opportunities for naturally exploring their environment and practising these skills.

Increased Risk of Accidents and Injuries

One of the most significant concerns associated with baby walkers is the increased risk of accidents and injuries. Babies in walkers can move at high speeds and may encounter hazards such as stairs, hot surfaces, or other dangerous objects. There have been numerous reports of falls, collisions, and even more serious accidents while using baby walkers.

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Limited Cognitive and Sensory Engagement

While walkers provide mobility, they may limit cognitive and sensory engagement. Unlike natural exploration and play, which involve interacting with different surfaces and objects, babies in walkers are confined to a limited space. This restricted environment may hinder their overall sensory and cognitive development.

Alternatives to Baby Walkers

Given the potential risks associated with baby walkers, it is important to consider alternative methods that promote healthy motor development.

Tummy Time and Crawling

Tummy time, where babies spend time on their stomachs, and crawling are essential for building core strength, developing balance, and improving coordination. These activities allow babies to strengthen their muscles and practice weight shifting, which is vital for learning to walk.

Push Toys and Activity Centers

Push toys and activity centres are excellent alternatives to baby walkers. Push toys, such as sturdy carts or wagons, provide support while allowing babies to practice walking. Activity centres offer babies a safe and engaging environment to explore and develop their motor skills.

Assisted Walking with Parents or Caregivers

Parents and caregivers can play a crucial role in helping babies learn to walk by providing support and assistance. Holding the baby’s hands or using a waist harness can offer stability while allowing them to experience the natural movements involved in walking.

Recommendations from Experts

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends against using baby walkers due to the associated risks. They have called for a ban on selling baby walkers in the United States. Other countries have also implemented similar restrictions or regulations regarding their use.

Experts emphasize the importance of natural motor skill development and encourage parents to create safe, stimulating environments that promote exploration and movement without relying on baby walkers.


In conclusion, using baby walkers to help infants learn to walk is a topic of ongoing debate. While they may provide some benefits in terms of mobility and entertainment, the potential risks and concerns associated with their use cannot be ignored. Baby walkers have been linked to delayed motor development, increased accidents and injuries, and limited cognitive and sensory engagement.

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Instead of relying solely on baby walkers, exploring alternative methods that promote natural motor skill development, such as tummy time, crawling, push toys, activity centres, and assisted walking with parents or caregivers is advisable. By creating a safe and engaging environment, parents can support their babies’ progress in learning to walk while minimizing the potential risks associated with baby walkers.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are baby walkers safe for infants?

Baby walkers pose potential risks and safety concerns. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises against their use.

2. Do baby walkers help infants walk sooner?

Baby walkers do not necessarily help infants walk sooner. They may even delay the development of specific motor skills.

3. Are there any benefits to using baby walkers?

Baby walkers can offer mobility and entertainment for infants. However, their benefits should be weighed against the associated risks.

4. What are some alternatives to baby walkers?

Alternatives to baby walkers include tummy time, crawling, push toys, activity centres, and assisted walking with parents or caregivers.

5. Should I use a baby walker for my child?

It is recommended to avoid using baby walkers due to the potential risks involved. Consult with your paediatrician for personalized advice.

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